Jask – the Board Game – Overview

Jask – the Board Game – Overview

Family sat around a table playing Jask

Jask is a game for you if you like words, quizzes or even a bit of strategy! Creator Shaun Delaney developed a way of mixing general trivia with more meaningful questions. What better way of making this even better than to make it into a game! The strategy side was formulated which in turn increased the competitive, educational and fun element.

So…how do you play the game?

At the start of the game, and each round, a card is selected. Players will have one or more counters positioned on different letters on the board. All players/teams have one minute to think of as many answers for the selected question using a letter on which one of their counters is positioned.

Of the 64 question cards, categories include:

  • European Cities
  • Brand Names
  • Differently spelt words that sound the same (e.g. sea and see)
  • Animals
  • Television or radio personalities

Answers are scored, thus allowing each player to move their counters towards their home. Strategic moves can knock players’ counters off and back to the start. The first player to get all their counters home is the winner!

JASK is a dynamic game that will prove to be timeless, as all the questions can be answered by all players of varying ages and abilities, now and in the future.


Jask Box with board


Travel Jask – a travel version of the game, was also an award winner in this year’s Imagination Gaming Family and Educational Game Awards 2017. We (or should we say, our judging panel of children, parents and teaching professionals) awarded the game with a Silver Literacy Award and a Silver Family Award! This one has regular appearances in our school days and for a good reason – it’s a fabulous literacy activity and starter to get your brain in gear! We asked the creator of the game a few questions about the game:

1. What does the game involve? 

Travel Jask is the quick-fire quiz. Which is both fun and thought provoking played at a fast pace – everyone plays and no-one is left out. Get your answer in first and win the letter and accumulate enough letters to correctly spell an answer to the chosen category and win the game.

2. What skills can you build/gain from the game? 

Learning letters of the alphabet /quickly identifying objects animals etc / competition.

3. What’s your favourite tactic or are there any tricks you can teach us? 

Being the first to name an object beginning with a particular letter and winning the game by spelling the Chosen Category.

4. Do you have any funny/heartwarming stories about a game of Travel Jask? 

Many stories – a lad called out Philippines for a Country beginning with the letter F etc.


Travel Jask box with cards




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