Multiple games boxes with Imagination Gaming Awards Trophies

St. Theresa’s Inter-School Tournaments – Locality C

On Friday the 7th June, St.Theresa’s Catholic Primary hosted the […]

Five children with trophy at airecon

Rossett Acre Primary win a Bright Sparks Day!

Airecon 2019 was another successful event for the Imagination Gaming […]

Summer Reading Challenge 2019 Banner

Summer Reading Challenge 2019 Announced!

The countdown has started… 5,4,3,2,1, BLAST OFF!!! The annual Summer […]

We have played with 50,490 bright sparks this year


So 2017-18… another year has passed but what’s changed? Well, […]

Imagination Gaming logo with Family & Education Award 2018 text

The 2018 Imagination Gaming Awards – A Dream Year!

“Winning is only half of it, having fun is the […]

Group of children and teachers sat at desks playing games

Emmanuel Junior Academy Inter-School Tournament

Our latest IST (Inter-School Tournament) was held last week at […]

Imagination Gaming – Holiday Staff Opportunities

Imagination Gaming have been successfully delivering activities as part of […]


To Boldly Game @ The National Space Centre

A bit about Jason Ever since I was young, I’ve […]