

We have played with 50,490 bright sparks this year

So 2017-18… another year has passed but what’s changed? Well, if we’re honest, quite a lot….


Where are we going?

Are we still going in to schools, yes, but more than ever before. Do we still do youth clubs and evening events, yes, but again more than we ever have. We are working in more areas with more different activities than we really imagined we would or could. We have more new schools asking us what we do and how can they work with us. We are approached by more events wanting family games based activities and have so many of our previous customers coming back to us asking for more work that is it very humbling and reassuring that we are doing the right things in the right way..


Who are we?

Well we are still the same group of individuals but have grown our numbers recently. We now have our franchisees, Patrick & Barry, down south running their own areas in and around London. We have our friend Andonis running Imagination Gaming over in Cyprus to rave reviews and he has started at pace. We also have a number of other staff that help us at events and behind the scenes that are the hidden heroes of the company. These include but aren’t limited to Nicola, Jacqui, Emma, Kara, Amy and Ella. Thanks to all of you, it’s been a busy 12 months and without you it wouldn’t have been possible.


What are we doing?

As with every year since we began, we’ve got that bit smarter over the last year and some of the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes is about to come to fruition. Aligning games to the UK curriculum, lesson plans for everything and creating partnerships with a range of individuals and companies has helped us to really hone what we do and fully understand what schools need and how we need to deliver our services to them.


What’s the result of this been in the last 12 months?

So last year we were busier than ever before and even though the previous year was a record breaking year for us, working with over 32,500 people directly, this year was something else.

After totalling up the numbers September 2017/2018 we have worked with approximately……


Children, young adults, teachers, class assistants, old people, families, inmates and many other I’m sure. It has been a joy, a pleasure and a privilege, if we are honest, we are just getting started!

So, from the entire team, to everyone that has helped or supported us in any way, we can’t wait to show you what we’ve got up our sleeves in the next 12 months and we’d like to say a very big…

Thank you!

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